is pleased to be providing information of Alcoholics Anonymous meetings around Scranton PA and across the nation. We may not have every title but we have most. Find the List of all AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) meetings in Scranton PA. To see the complete catalogue of available literature, please see the FWS online store. Sex Addicts Anonymous (SAA) is an organization that describes itself as providing a twelve step program for recovery. Costs are $20 for the Basic Text (anonymous cover), $15 for the Step workbook (limited stock), and $5 for the various booklets, including the newest, The Gift of No Contact. Not to be confused with Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous or Sexaholics Anonymous. These items are cost items and will not be mailed, arrangements for delivery will be made via email. If you would like booklets, workbooks, or Basic Texts, please email place that order. There is no fee for this service although hope you will support FWS and your local meetings. Pamphlets will be mailed to your address in a plain envelope. The primary purpose of meetings is to carry our message of recovery to the addict who still suffers. 10) They are places where we can hear the message of recovery and share about our own struggles with people who are like us and who understand us. We now have a western Pennsylvania literature depot. If you would like to have any pamphlet literature, please contact with your order and your mailing address. Meetings are the heart of the SAA fellowship. * Recommended Guidelines for Dealing with the Media
* Characteristics of Sex and Love Addiction The open meetings will have speakers who will talk about how they drank, how AA helped them and people will share experiences. Example search results for this search method: The NA Meeting Search app version 2.0 is now available for your smartphone or tablet. Caution: Meeting schedules periodically change, this data may not be up-to-date.
For virtual meetings, use the country code 'Phone' or 'Web' for those listings. Please read the following from the S.L.A.A. Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings Scranton PA There are two types of alcoholics anonymous meetings the open meeting and the closed meeting. Use this method to locate meetings near you.