Second best auto text expander
Second best auto text expander

second best auto text expander

#Second best auto text expander how to

So if you find yourself stuck typing "Brief in Support of American Amalgamated Consolidated Widget Corporation's Second Amended Motion for Leave of Court to Conduct On-site Inspection" for the umpteenth time, I'm going to show you how to get out of all that repetitive typing. So I have no patience whatsoever for typing the same long complicated phrase 100 times. I'm all for letting the computer do the work.) And when my brain gets a little overloaded and the pace starts getting on my nerves, my already sketchy typing skills go to pot. (As proof of that, I'm using Dragon NaturallySpeaking to write this article. I don't know about you, but I don't exactly love typing.

second best auto text expander

One of the things I found myself doing was typing the same long complicated phrases over and over and over again. If something could save me even a few seconds (especially on a repetitive task), it was worth it. So naturally, I was looking for every time saver I could get my hands on. I'm talking "so overloaded I'm farming out scut work to other people", "oh my gosh, I just had that piece of paper in my hand a moment ago", "I wonder if I can still get that Xanax prescription filled" level of busy. And when I say "busy", I'm not talking your run-of-the-mill "I have a nice steady flow of work" level of busy. Here in the last several weeks, I've been busy.

Second best auto text expander